Behavior Extended Workshop

Participants in the Behavior Workshop learn why behavior interventions are necessary and effective in setting the context for quality instruction and learning.  This 20- clock hour course will follow two PLC-style learning cycles: The first cycle provides a grounding...

UDL Extended Workshop

Participants in the Universal Design for Learning Extended Workshop learn why UDL is an effective strategy for individualizing instruction and how to apply it to your own practice. This 20- clock hour course will follow two PLC-style learning cycles: The first cycle...

The Attuned K-12 Educator: Accelerating Literacy

6 clock hours The attuned K-12 Educator: Accelerating Literacy will provide in-depth understanding of the how equity, acceleration, and personalization will improve student learning in literacy. This course is designed for K-12 educators, in all content areas, who are...

Sensory Strategies in the Inclusive Classroom

6 clock hours Learn about sensory processing concepts and how to apply and incorporate these principles immediately into practice in the inclusive classroom. You will understand the importance of sensory support and physiological needs of students; attain an optimal...