Special Education Community Complaints Archive
The SESC has identified several resolved Community Complaints covering topics about which we have received numerous queries. For your convenience we have organized the selected complaints by topic. You can search by topic, school district, or do a full-text search. Each complaint is assigned a number that consists of the year and complaint number. For instance, SECC-19-108 is the 108th complaint filed in 2019. Each item displays the issue(s) raised and the OSPI response. You also have the option of clicking on the complaint number to read the entire document. Many of the documents have been highlighted to draw attention to specific aspects of the decision, but it is worthwhile to read the entire complaint to understand the nuances leading to the decision.
It should be noted that these represent a sampling of the complaints available on the OSPI website where you can search the complaints by topic. The OSPI website also provides relatively easy instructions for filing complaints.