Describe your UDL Practicum:
I'm coming back to teaching after almost two decades pursuing a different career path outside of education and miles away from classrooms. In spite of the greater flexibility and definitely higher income, I decided that it's time to simplify and focus on more meaningful work. Turns out, teaching isn't as simple as it was back then. When I was teaching Pre-21st Century, my job was to present information and demonstrate skills; the student's job was to learn and pass the tests that I sometimes created but typically copied questions from the end of each chapter in the textbooks. It was understood that some students would get it; some would not; some because they wouldn't try hard enough; some because they just weren't academically-inclined. In the courses I took to renew my teaching certificate I was introduced to recent brain research, student variability, the impact of culture, etc. Now, I see that the job of teacher is very different.
This innovation applies to:
A Whole Class
Why I chose this focus for my UDL Practicum:
As I mentioned, just getting back to the classroom after years in another career. I've been assigned to a very diverse group of 5th-graders. We live in a very rural community with limited resources. I need help learning how to work with these kids.
Will other colleagues be involved?
I will be working closely with the Special Ed Teacher (there's only one in our small elementary)
What I expect as the outcome:
I'm especially interested in improving student engagement. I have enough understanding of Universal Design that I'm convinced that if I can more effectively reach kids with very different interests, skill levels, and cultural backgrounds, they will achieve at much higher levels.
How I will know if the outcome was achieved:
This is an area where I need lots of help. I worked through the assessment design forms and made them part of my UDL Action Plan, but I'm not sure I know how to implement.
Let’s take this one step at a time. First, let me say that it’s good to see you re-committing to teaching. Your experiences in the private will very likely come in handy in engaging your students. With the open attitude you’ve expressed, you’re likely to learn as much from your students as they learn from you. Student Engagement is a good place to start. What evidence are you seeing that the students are not engaged? Is it the whole class or just certain students? And, are there particular subjects that seem to be more problematic?