Elevating the Voices of Disabled Students

How it Works:

We want you to tell your story. Representation of our voices is necessary in learning about inclusion. This helps school staff understand the importance of collaboration with families and how it feels to navigate through special education systems.

  1. Choose a Story Prompt to guide your conversation
  2. Record your video on your phone, computer, YouTube or Zoom
  3. Complete the Video Release Form
  4. Submit your video. If you didn’t attach your video to the release form you can email the video to SESCParents@gmail.com
  5. We will review your story and reach out to you with any questions. 
  6. We will upload your video story to be stored on our private Google Drive “library” where only trainers will have access to it. 
  7. Trainers can then use these video stories in their teachings to represent our voices.

Important Guidelines:

  • Please remember this is a space for people with disabilities or their direct caregivers. 
  • Refrain from using names of educators, districts, administration, schools, programs or children. 
  • Try to use one prompt/question at a time in your video(s) for length.
  • Keep your story to 2-5 minutes in length. 
  • You can edit or re-do your story. You can ask us to remove your story at any time. 
  • By submitting your video, you agree that SESC and WEA IPTN can use your video for educational purposes only.