Social Emotional Learning in a Virtual Space

Course #8324, 1.5 clock hours How can you create meaningful relationships with and between students in a safe virtual space? This AS Online training seeks to answer this question with *already tried it* practices. Learn about different strategies, exercises, and...

Seesaw – Intermediate Level

Coures #2350, 1.5 clock hours Take a deeper dive into the many features of Seesaw. Learn how to create your own custom Seesaw Activities. Also discover how Seesaw’s built-in features like folders, skills, and blogs can help streamline the assessment and feedback...

Planning for a Week of Distance Learning

Course #2307, 1.5 clock hours Explore a few examples of what distance education might “look” like in K-12 classrooms from EdTech experts. We will also explore the transition thinking required that best supports student engagement and (hopefully)...

Phenomena-Centered Science in your (virtual) Classroom

Course #2334, 1.5 clock hours Centering your K-12 science instruction around phenomena can build student engagement and understanding, even in a virtual or blended classroom environment. We’ll explore key aspects of science instruction, share NGSS-aligned resources...