Seesaw – Intermediate Level

Coures #2350, 1.5 clock hours Take a deeper dive into the many features of Seesaw. Learn how to create your own custom Seesaw Activities. Also discover how Seesaw’s built-in features like folders, skills, and blogs can help streamline the assessment and feedback...

Screencasting: Loom, Screencastify, Google Meet

Course #2301, 1.5 clock hours Many options to screen record are wonderful. This AS Online training will explore the benefits of Loom and other screen casting applications. Participants will learn about options for no downloading, no waiting, no fuss. Make a video with...

Phenomena-Centered Science in your (virtual) Classroom

Course #2334, 1.5 clock hours Centering your K-12 science instruction around phenomena can build student engagement and understanding, even in a virtual or blended classroom environment. We’ll explore key aspects of science instruction, share NGSS-aligned resources...