Participants in the Universal Design for Learning Extended Workshop learn why UDL is an effective strategy for individualizing instruction and how to apply it to your own practice. This 20- clock hour course will follow two PLC-style learning cycles:
- The first cycle provides a grounding in UDL and provides tools to assess current practice as it relates to UDL principles, guidelines, and checkpoints plus an introduction to effective goal-setting.
- In the second cycle, participants use the self-assessment as a reference point in designing, implementing, and documenting outcomes from a UDL based lesson plan.
This UDL course extension alternates between synchronous Zoom sessions and asynchronous activity facilitated through SESC’s LearnDash LMS, as follows:
- A 2-hour Zoom, [date/time], presenting the why & what of UDL
- Two weeks, [dates], for reading, reflection, & self-assessment
- A 2-hour Zoom, [date/time], focusing on UDL-based lesson planning.
- Four weeks for designing, implementing, and monitoring student outcomes resulting from ”quarter turns” and individualized instruction.
- A 2-hour Zoom, [date/time], for sharing reflections on gains in student learning, recent impact on practice, and next steps/challenges moving forward.