Course #2364, 6 clock hours
This course is designed for coaches and mentors with a wide range of experience in co-teaching. Participants will explore and apply their knowledge of the models, roles and responsibilities, co-planning, and data collection as related to co-teaching. Coaches and mentors will practice and increase their skills and knowledge of facilitating the development of strong co-teaching teams. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of co-teaching and acquire resources and tools to further support co-teachers. Coaches and mentors will gain knowledge and skills for immediate implementation in their current roles of supporting co- teaching teams.
Participants will:
– Understand the basic relationship between specially designed instruction (SDI), Washington State Learning Standards (WSLS), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), High Leverage Practices (HLP) and inclusive practices as related to co-teaching.
– Develop strategies for facilitating the roles and responsibilities of co-teachers.
– Develop strategies to support co-teachers in co-planning.
– Improve their knowledge of the basic models of co-teaching.
– Develop communication and data collection strategies to focus on the goal of increasing student growth and inclusionary opportunities.