Closing the Knowledge Equity Gap
Closing the Knowledge Equity Gap refers to an initiative officially titled: Closing the Special Education/General Education Gap: an uncommon approach to the Common Core.
At the core of this initiative is the concept of Knowledge Equity — providing opportunities to level the playing field in developing and sharing knowledge. It is a synonym for social justice; a means to address the social inequities made possible by and compounded by knowledge inequity. In other words, ‘knowledge equity’ looks at tools and vehicles that can be personalized for the individual learner.
With initial funding from the NEA Great Public Schools Fund, we are building a system of supports (curriculum, training, and technology) to facilitate school transformation with the goal of making general education classrooms more accessible to special populations, and in the process, improving instruction and learning outcomes for all students.
We are guided by a vision of schooling whereby:
- Each student is engaged in learning experiences referenced to common standards, but responsive to their unique gifts and needs.
- Learning activities are designed, facilitated, and assessed by highly qualified educators who know each and every student (and their families).
- The primary purpose of accountability system is to inform practice, while protecting the privacy of individual students.
We are currently working with three focus sites in Washington state (Mt. Vernon, Battleground, and Renton) to develop and refine the curricula, procedures, and technology to facilitate the necessary transformation.