Resources for Teachers:
- Certification Resources
- Effective Instruction.
In 2017, the Council for Exceptional Children published High Leverage Practices, a collection of research which identifies the elements of effective instruction that offer the best results for special education students. The IRIS Center has developed an interactive tool for educators using High Leverage Practices.
- PowerUp What Works Research Based Instructional Resources offers you resources, strategies, and practical tips to personalize your instruction with technology to meet the needs of struggling students. For administrators, PowerUp provides you with the tools necessary to build an effective, school-wide technology infrastructure to transform teaching and learning.
- Developing Goals – Use of Blooms Taxonomy to drive instructional goals that are both understanding declarative and procedural knowledge. Jessica Shabatura developed an easy to use graphic and process that is easily used to design instructional goals that will reach different types of state standards.
- Classroom Management
Universal Design for Learning provides research and resources to provide instructional support for students with reading difficulties. When you enter this page, it might be helpful to browse through several of the Checkpoints to see the depth of supports. For reading comprehension scroll to Checkpoint 3.2 and 3.4. Distance Learning: 6 Best Universal Design for Learning Practices for Online Learning
- Student Supports and Accommodations
- Graphic organizers act as accommodations for many students with disabilities, help focus attention, and facilitate learning and recall. There are several sites that offer graphic organizers, including Education Oasis, which provides free downloadable organizers re[resenting all areas of conceptual understanding to support learning and recall.
- Behavioral Supports. Resources for working with students with anxiety disorders are available at Understood.
- A Menu on Best Practices and Strategies for reducing disruptive behavior
- Assistive Technology:
- Assistive Technology in the IEP decision making protocol
- Supporting students who experience reading difficulties is essential to enabling them to access the curricula. Explore the use of text to speech and, if you are using Chrome try these tools.
- Students who experience difficulty with writing.
- Special Education Rules: A Handbook for Family and Educators (Need latest copy in PDF format)
- Teaching Students with Severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorder: Best Practices Guide to Intervention
- Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports promotes Cultural Responsiveness and provides resources to use PBIS in online education.
- OSPI Special Education Technical Assistance Paper No. 6 – provides a general overview of special education requirements related to the district use of para-educators to support the provision of specially designed instruction (SDI) on a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).