Early Childhood and Preschoolers with Autism

This class reviews research demonstrating why an inclusive setting is important for preschool age autistic students as well as provides examples of LREs and how they relate to inclusive settings for preschool age students with autism. Other concepts covered in this class include: strategies to use with autistic students in the inclusive setting, examples of functional routines and their importance in the early childhood classroom as well as how to write goals so they can be embedded in the regular activities of the day.

Course Objectives:
Share examples of different LREs.
Share reasons as to why an inclusive setting for preschool students with autism is important? Share 2+ inclusive models specific to early childhood.
Demonstrate knowledge of at least 2 “Tier 1” strategies that should be in the classroom for students with autism. Create at least 2 functional routines for your classroom.
Demonstrate how to write and embed a student’s goal so it can fit into the activities in the classroom.
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